The technical committee of IberSpeech 2024 is pleased to invite proposals for special sessions that will enrich our conference program and contribute to the vibrant exchange of ideas in the field of speech and language processing. Special sessions offer a platform for in-depth discussions and presentations on specific topics or themes within the broader scope of our conference. 

We encourage proposals for special sessions that address emerging trends, interdisciplinary collaborations, or specific niche areas within speech and language processing. The technical committee welcomes creative and innovative ideas that will enhance the diversity and richness of our conference program.  

Special sessions can be organized using various formats, including panels, round tables, pitches with attached discussions, and more. We empower session initiators to determine the format that best aligns with the objectives and themes of their sessions.  

Furthermore, when proposing a special session, organizers have the option to submit contributions to their session. These submissions will not undergo the general peer review procedure but will be evaluated alongside the special session proposal.  

We invite speech and language technologies researchers to submit their proposals for special sessions and contribute to the success of IberSpeech 2024. Together, let us explore new frontiers, exchange insights, and inspire innovation in speech and language processing.  


  • Special session proposals should include a title, description, proposed format, and list of potential contributors.  
  • The deadline for special sessions proposals is April 26, 2024. Proposals should be submitted to the technical committee by the specified deadline.  

For inquiries or further assistance, please contact the technical committee at  with CC to