[Monday, 12:00 - 13:00]
P1 - Poster Session 1

P1.1 Decoding the Mind: Neural Differences and Semantic Representation in Perception and Imagination Across Modalities Owais Mujtaba Khanday, Marc Ouellet, José L. Pérez-Córdoba, Asma Hasan Sbaih, Laura Miccoli and Jose A. Gonzalez-Lopez
P1.2 Face Mask Type and Coverage Area Recognition from Speech with Prototypical Networks Adria Mallol-Ragolta, Anika Spiesberger and Björn Schuller
P1.3 MalCoLiP: A Maltese Corpus for Linguistic Profiling Amanda Muscat
P1.4 MentalQuery: a proposal for conversational human-robot interaction to promote mental health literacy Juan Barrionuevo-Valenzuela, David Griol and Zoraida Callejas
P1.5 On the Use of Audio to Improve Dialogue Policies Daniel Roncel Díaz, Federico Costa and Javier Hernando
P1.6 STEPI: System for Triplet Extraction of Personal Information in Dialogue Systems Maria Villa Monedero, Jaime Bellver, Mohamed Imed Eddine Ghebriout, Ricardo De Cordoba and Luis Fernando D'Haro
P1.7 Semantic Information Retrieval through Autonomous Agents María García Cutando, Eduardo Lleida Solano, Virginia Bazán Gil, Alfonso Ortega Giménez and Antonio Miguel Artiaga
P1.8 Towards Parameter-Efficient Non-Autoregresive Spanish Audio-Visual Speech Recognition David Gimeno-Gomez and Carlos David Martinez Hinarejos
P1.9 Whisper Meets FalAI: From Speech Recognition to End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding Andrés Piñeiro-Martín, Carmen García-Mateo, Laura Docío-Fernández and María del Carmen López-Pérez

[Tuesday, 12:00 - 13:00]
P2 - Poster Session 2

P2.1 3CatParla: A New Open-Source Corpus of Broadcast TV in Catalan for Automatic Speech Recognition Carlos Daniel Hernández Mena, Carme Armentano Oller, Sarah Solito and Baybars Külebi
P2.2 Analysis of the domain mismatch problem in the Speech Emotion Recognition Task Miguel A. Pastor, Alfonso Ortega and Dayana Ribas
P2.3 Analyzing DiaPer EEND Speaker Diarization Models on the RTVE2022 Dataset Jérémie Touati, Juan Ignacio Alvarez-Trejos, Beltrán Labrador and Alicia Lozano-Diez
P2.4 Encouraging Internal Representations with Speaker Information in End-to-End Neural Diarization by Adding Speaker Loss Victoria Mingote, Alfonso Ortega, Antonio Miguel and Eduardo Lleida
P2.5 Enhancing Crowdsourced Audio for Text-to-Speech Models Jose Giraldo, Martí Llopart, Alex Peiró-Lilja, Carme Armentano-Oller, Gerard Sant and Baybars Külebi
P2.6 Extending LIP-RTVE: Towards A Large-Scale Audio-Visual Dataset for Continuous Spanish in the Wild Miguel Zaragozá-Portolés, David Gimeno-Gómez and Carlos-D. Martínez-Hinarejos
P2.7 LaFresCat: A Catalan Multi-Accent Speech Dataset for Text-to-Speech Alex Peiró-Lilja, Martí Llopart-Font, Carme Armentano-Oller, Jose Giraldo, Ignasi Esquerra, Mireia Farrús and Baybars Külebi
P2.8 Multilingual Speech Emotion Recognition combining Audio and Text using Small Language Models Jaime Bellver, Mario Rodríguez Cantelar, Marcos Estecha Garitagoitia, Ricardo De Córdoba Herralde and Luis Fernando D'Haro
P2.9 Open-Source Multispeaker Text-to-Speech Model and Synthetic Speech Corpus with a Mexican Accent through a Web Spanish Dictionary Carlos Daniel Hernández Mena, Jose Omar Giraldo Valencia, Irene Baucells De La Peña, Alfonso Medina Urrea and Baybars Kulebi
P2.10 Prototypical Networks for Speech Emotion Recognition in Spanish Adria Mallol-Ragolta, Anika Spiesberger, Antonio Barba Salvador and Björn Schuller
P2.11 Reliable Diarization of Complex Broadcast Data through Segmentation and Reclustering Juan Ignacio Alvarez-Trejos, Laura Herrera, Jérémie Touati and Alicia Lozano-Diez